How To: Have Friends With Benefits

Miss Sammi Ross

May 21 2016 2 comments 1,300

What is the meaning of friends with benefits? Here is what I know about that:

The ideal friends with benefits relationship will let you have fun and hook up with someone whenever you're both in the mood without getting emotionally invested. I'm only telling you this ladies because it can be very tricky to navigate the territory between friendship and courtship, but if you follow a few basic rules, you can have a no-strings-attached relationship where no one gets hurt... or can you?

Firstly, you will only be disappointed if you enter into a FWB relationship with a friend who you’re secretly hoping becomes something more. If you want to date him, you need to be up front about that and tell him. But if you’re like most girls in FWB situations like myself, you’re not crossing your fingers that the relationship gets upgraded to boyfriend/girlfriend status. You just want to have fun and chances are, so does he.... unless he is a real jerk and a player!

Here are the some easy steps to finding and having a FWB:

Step 1)  Choose the Right Friend -Pick someone who is available (I fucked up on that department)

Step 2)  Flirt with Him - Let the person know you're interested and give him or her a few not-so-subtle compliments.

Step 3)  Set the ground rules - Make it clear that you are not dating -- you're just having fun. Both of you should be free to hook up with other people

Step 4)  Enjoy some hot sex - HELLOO! that's what having friends with benefits is for, isn't it? Let loose, trying some things you were too afraid to try with your old boyfriend or girlfriend. This is your time to let loose and experiment, picking up the tricks you can use to wow future partners.

Step 5)  Keep up with communication - Make sure you're both into each other, but not too much. If you'll both be at a party, talk about how you'll act. If you're also hooking up with another person, don't be shady about it.

Step 6)  Don't forget to see other people - If you're only hooking up with one person, it may turn into a real relationship. If that's not what you want, then keep a look out whenever you're out at a bar or a party. Don't just wait to get a text from your hook up buddy, but look around and see if there are any other options for you. That's beeN one of my biggest mistakes in a FWB relationship as well.

Step 7)  Keep it casual - You can hang out with your friend with benefits, but you need to make it clear that it's not a date. For one thing, you should spend more time in bed together than out of it.

Step 8)  Keep doing your own thing you can still have enough time to pursue your own goals, whether it's grad school, your love for painting, or just all of the fun times you have hanging out with your friends.

Step 9)  It's time to say goodbye - Once you have a feeling that it may be over, then it's over. If you set the ground rules early on, then it shouldn't be too painful to have a conversation about ending the non-relationship.

I hope that these 9 steps work for all the ladies that are still single and just want to have fun and not worry about a real relationship yet still gain some experience for being in a FWB relationship. 

<3 Sammi Ross

LadyBellaKush deleted May 2016

Love you sammi!!!

AylaEXPOSED May 2016

Love it! Thanks Sammy :) These are great tips.