Sexy Smile Contest!

Say Cheese!

Oct 10 2016 6 comments 3,597

The sexiest curve on your body is your smile, flaunt it!

Introducing the: Sexy Smile Contest!

There is nothing more alluring than a woman with a genuine smile. This WW will highlight all of the beautiful smiles on MV, so show us yours!

We encourage all MV Girls and Studios to participate by uploading their sexy smile to the contest page NOW!

Voting will begin Wednesday the 12th of October at 3:00pm EST and end at 11pm EST!

The 1st place winner will be awarded a grand prize of $750 and and the winner of the best photo will be awarded with a cash prize of $50!

Want to vote? Stop by on Wednesday and show support for your favorite MV Girls/Studios who will be smiling from ear to ear!

*Photo provided by the beautiful : Megan Loxx

A few friendly reminders when participating in the contests on MV:

  • Although the sales ticker pop-up at the bottom of the page does in fact show every site sale, it is only updated every few minutes on our server. Therefore, because of that slight delay, we do not recommend using this tool to validate the placement of model(s) in any contests. We feel that making this point is necessary because we are very transparent with you on how the site features work thus allowing you to use them to the best of your ability!

  • The contest ends exactly when the counter is finished. The voting fluctuates right until the very last second, up until it officially ends. Any votes earned DURING this time, are counted towards the contest. However, any votes that come through AFTER the closing time of the MV contest (due to it being reviewed/held by our Security Team in billing) do NOT count towards that particular contest. However, they DO still count towards a model’s earnings.

  • Photos uploaded to the contest page MUST be of you. Posting photos that are not your property or belong to someone else may result in disqualification, and prevention of winning a prize/entering any future contests on MV.

  • With that being said, participating in these contests is at your own leisure and entering is not mandatory. Everyone enters with the chance of winning, or losing and both outcomes are expected to be handled with good sportsmanship. A negative attitude towards MV, the winner, or undermining the legitimacy of our contests is considered a violation and may result in being disqualified from the current contest, and possibly all future contests.

We wish the best to everyone participating, and please note that the prizes are awarded to whoever earns them fairly.

- MV Team

Jyrii deleted Nov 2016

Привет соска

Oh yeah! )

Jyrii deleted Nov 2016

хочу тебя

DevilnotAngel66 deleted Oct 2016


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