satinespark avatar



satinespark avatar

Hey there! Wow! You've got it out ready! Is that for me? Great, let's have some fun..... x


Comments (22)

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Hi can you message me for a custom. Thanks
Can you PM for a custom
Hello, I would like to request for a custom video. Will it be possible for you to DM me please? Thanks.
helmer @helmer3 years ago
Hi Satine i would like a custom video PM me
Can you please pm me about a custom video idea? Thank you. xx
Can you message me please? I have an idea for a custom.
Can you DM me. I have a fetish request
zues555 @zues5553 years ago
are you doing customs?
zues555 @zues5553 years ago
send message about a custom video!
Hi Satine, I'm a big fan. Are you still offering custom videos? If so pls message me.