Direct Your Own Porn Scene!


Here is your chance to direct your very own porn scene! That's right, we are giving you the chance to make up a theme for a scene we will produce at one of our future shoots. Get creative and if you really want you can come up with some of the dialogue for the scene also, and once everything is shot and edited, it will be released at our site and here as well! As a little thank you, we will attach an interview from the sexy female performer thanking you personally for creating the scene and we will even give you the credits for directing it. As director, you will also be supplied with a free copy of the scene. Once you purchase this item, we will be in contact to get all your details off you etc Shoot us a message if you want more details on how exactly this will work or you want to run an idea by us first.

Quantity: 10
Condition: New


Hey thanks for the question - the difference is this type of order needs to be a more "wider" use type of scene as it will be released like our normal scenes for the wider public, so the exact theme and dialogue etc will need to be "ok'd" by us first so its a scene we can release. Also with a custom generally the purchaser wants it just for their use and will be a more fetish type clip generally. Any other questions dont hesitate to shoot me a message :)

mikeyuh Apr 15

I have a potential idea I’d like to share if it is possible

mikeyuh Apr 14

I have a question, what is the difference between this and ordering a custom?

mikeyuh Apr 15

I have an idea I’d like to share if you would message please

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