



|FREDO SEBASTIENO PALACIOS Date of birth 1976–2018 Active Today|Description Italian Spanich French, |Photographer Producer |Art Director |International Journalist |Chef Redactor |Photo-Reporter |PIECE OF ARTCertificate Of Authenticity Signature FREDO SEBASTIENO PALACIOS AND MODEL|Title |KARINA POMPINO Author | FREDO SEBASTIENO PALACIOS FSP PRODUCTIONSYear | 19|05|2011Place | FRENCH RIVIERA NICELicense |Ⓒ FREDO SEBASTIENO PALACIOS FSP PRODUCTIONS/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED|Size of the piece 24|30 cmPublisher Number 1|30|Technique and Materials Carl Zeiss 80 CB 
Support Black And White Print Fine Art Photo Pigmentosa Paper Fine Art Baryte By Hahnemülhe 325g Conservation 250 Years Hahnemühle / 2 hologrammes + certificat with 
ARTtrust / 3 scellés + certificat|The photography will be sold and delivered without the writing on the imageDraw control by FREDO SEASTIENO PALACIOS, minimum waiting time for sending four days at seven, single print for each order| FREDO SEBASTIENO PALACIOS is a Artist specializing in Professional Art photography Argentic and Digital . He is also an International Hight Journalist committed to Human RightsActually FREDO SEBASTIENO PALACIOS work closely with the media and he expresses his free speech opinions through Photographic Fine Art| Delivery first class by registered mail and against signature|Fine Art Photograpy Thirty Copies WorldwideThe Best Printing Processes Of Fine Art Photographic Worldwide Limited Edition For Galleries And Museums| Let us Know if you want a différent format|Ⓒ FREDO SEBASTIENO PALACIOS FSP PRODUCTIONS/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED