Mindfulness Worship of My Feet Audio MP3

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*This audio contains deep, auditory special effects. Listening via headphones is recommended to get the most out of this powerful experience.*You will go deep into submissive worship of Me and My Feet as I use the traditional techniques of mindfulness meditation to clear your mind and focus your thoughts on the beauty and perfection of My Feet. You will learn how to remove all distractions from your mind and allow a perfect stillness and tranquillity to possess you as you consider the beauty and sacred divinity of My feet. With each breath, you will gain deeper insights and understanding about the perfection and majesty of My Feet. The more you meditate on My feet, the more you will find the strength and determination to dedicate your life to serving and worshiping them. You will want to perform this mindfulness meditation on a daily basis to fully discover just how perfect and beautiful My Feet are. In just a few days, You will become a willing slave of My divine feet, forever wanting to slip into this state of awe and wonder at their immaculate perfection. Make My Feet your religion, your life-purpose, the reason you exist. Audio Length: 14m 0s