Man or beta bitch Interactive Quiz

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* This quiz is perfect for any male that wants to know, once and for all, whether he is a beta, a man or somewhere in between the two. The quiz asks probing questions, and your answers to these questions each have an assigned, numerical score. At the end of the quiz, you tally up your results and will be placed into the correct category that tells you, for certain, if you are a beta, a man or just average. And, furthermore, there are recommendations and instructions for you, based on your results. Enjoy! *I have developed this quiz to help you determine, with absolute certainty, whether you are a Man, a beta, or somewhere in between. I know many of you have this burning question within your mind. Sometimes you may wonder if you’re an average guy or if it’s even possible for you to become one. Other times, you are so submissive and weak, that you feel as though you are, at heart, a beta after all. Perhaps you feel as though you’re both a real man sometimes and a beta at other times and are confused about what to do about it. So, which is your situation? Are you a beta? Are you a man? Or, are you just average? Each question was carefully and specifically selected and designed by Me, as a beautiful, desirable Woman, and how I would really categorize any male I came across. In fact, if W/we were on a date or otherwise really speaking with each other, I would definitely ask some of these questions. The rest I would probably pick up on via non-verbal cues, of course, but this is a quiz for you, not Me. Ultimately, I hope this quiz will give you the clarity you seek. And, not only will you have an accurate result, I also give you some honest commentary and recommendations based on whether you’re a beta, a man or in between. That way, you have a direction and know where to go from here.Explore My slave Quizzes: