Help me get my car fixed from a accident
Pay My Bills
So I got in a car accident before the holidays and basically totalled the car that I just paid $5,000 for this past year. It was a 2005 Suzuki Verona. Only 50,000 miles on it that now has the whole front end totalled. Relying on Uber is about near impossible with running errands, running a business from home and just taking care of life. I paid to have all the damadge partd to be removed but the model is so old aside from cost finding the parts is next to impossible so replacing the car is now my only option. So if there are any awesome guys out there who would like to help support a camgirl. In exchange for helping get my car replaced it will include your choice of two custom videos s half hour in length or your choice of downloading any 10 videos of your choice already made. As well as a pair of my favorite panties used, stocking, or heels whichever is your preference that I will wear for a full day and then ship to you with a little note signed by me. I am starting to get desperate to find a vehicle I can afford while keeping up with life and bills Especially with webcamming going as slow as it has. So any help is appreciated and will be compensated with gifts/product/content. Thanks again and happy holidays!