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I think that there is no need to write here why this product is exclusive: D You already understood this or will understand after watching this video. This small, beautiful, fishnet panties, which are soaked twice with a massive squirt, are saturated with pussy juice and my sperm. Lollipop with the taste of strawberries, my pussy, traces of my lips and my saliva. Incredible heavenly delight when you take this candy in your mouth. Become the one to buy this exclusive, try all this juicy and passionate combination of tastes and hang in the room a pink talisman in the form of my little panties soaked in squirt - a talisman for an eternal erection.FREE video: video: I love you and kiss you warmly.And so, write me where to send this product to you!

Remaining: 1
Condition: Worn only once or twice



Can you sell jars with your squirt too?