If you Want To Be My Lover light
Worn in:Horny Teen Cums Hard in High Heels
Let Me Be Your Girl (for a week)Tldr: daily Nudes, text with me all day long. I'm a heavy texter.Additional extras:Sexting added - 50$ per day; phone talks (non sexual) - 1$/min; phone talk (sexual) - 2$/min; video (non sexual) - 3$/min, video (sexual) - 4$/min Options: Soft Domme, Wrathful Domme, Your loving GF1. Let Me Be Your Soft Domme:Guiding PriestAss: I know nothing motivates a Man like you to do his absolute best and then some more, like a stunning sexy lady by his side, believing in him and encouraging him. The PriestAss is a good listener, any woman of worship has to be. Let a calm presence in your life guide you through your life, coach you and remind you about the best version of yourself you can be. Invite the PriestAss and get her Guidance, Encouragement and NSFW Content Sexting & photos included through all 7 days. 2. The Avenging PriestAss: You have angered the gods and they sent me to punish you, ungrateful slimy scum. You are not worthy of a minute of my time, and you never will be. However, kind and patient as I am - I'm now willing to accept your Offering to tolerate your pitiful existence, boring me with your exhausting talk, sending me your shriveled dick and unkempt body that I can almost smell through the screen. I'll find all your shameful little weaknesses, and I'll step on each of them with my 6 inch heels. when I'm done - you'll beg for more. Same rules apply for sexting & sessions3. The High PriestAss has got a crush on you! I know what you want - You want someone to listen to you, and care for you, and cater to your needs;You want someone who'd listen to you talk about what you love, and understand you. You want someone to accept and cherish you as you are. You want someone to smile to themselves as you send a message, and be excited about the opportunity to get to know /you/, of all people! You want the High PriestAss. Let's do it, let's fall in love!