Buy 1 Panty GET 1 For Gift
If you purchase this store item (panty) you'll get 1 more for gift. After purchase can choose a pair from my store or let me surprise you. The gift panty chosen by me. First pair includes 2 days wear + masturbating with cum, the gift panty would be worn for 1-2 days wear, squirt, stuffing, cum, pee drops, workout of my preference. Gift panty will be a surprise. Price include vacuum seal package each pair, 5-5 photos of me wearing**Extra days: $15**Workout $15 each day**Masturbating with cum $18.99 each day**Panty stuffing $25 each day**Squirt $25 each day**Pee $15 each day**Shipping via Airmail provides tracking number. Package is discrete!