Cell Number For Texting and Calls


My cell phone number is up for sale! Texting only! Only rules are to be nice to me, do not demand things you can't pay for and know I will always reply when I am free. xox

Quantity: 9
Condition: New


Dadydik Apr 16

Actually let me know if you're single and if you are we'll go from there

Dadydik Apr 16

Is that it just pay for that and I can talk to you? Or like can we get together sometimes like actually go out on a date and I think you're very attractive you're adorable but I'd like to know if you're anywhere near me so that no matter what happens like if we do hit it off unless you're already involved then definitely don't make lie and say you aren't just so we can like you know start talking but, let me know if you're interested in actually getting to know somebody like I've just never done anything like this before

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