Rin Hoshizora Constellation

Photo Set


File size202.82MB


It got really cold, didn´t it? So well, while it´s still fall for a few hours, let us celebrate the autumn rewards of my shop: Rin Hoshizora, nya! I had a loooot of fun with this outfits, because I think it´s not only cute, but also chique! ;3 Don´t you think that you could do very awesome things to Rin while she´s wearing this short skirt? Well, at least I would know what to do with such an innocent idol. The set 86 sfw and nsfw files (photos, selfies, miniclips, 1 pornclip with penetration). Since the file is too big to be uploaded here, you will receive the full set within 24 hours as a download link to the mail address you purchased it with.