Nude dick rate video

Best Value

After purchase this, send me photo(s), and I'll make a nude video of me rating your dick in any of these style you prefer (honest, humiliate, or worship).I will rate you on a 10 point scale for: Length, Girth, hardness, veins, angle/curve, hair, quality and weight of balls, friction. And then I'll say if I would fuck it. Please send me your photos and the style of video you would like to my dm after purchasing. The duration of the video will be as long as it takes for me to make a complete description and evaluation of everything listed. Maximum delivery time of 1 week, but I usually deliver before that. Let me know if you don't want me to show your picture in the video.

Quantity: 96
Condition: New


Can you do a clothed video?

Yes, I can. DM me to discuss please

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