Charley Green Charley Spanks
Photo Set
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Worn in:Charley Green in Charley spanks
46 professionally shot and edited photos of Charley Green. Charley is nude in this scene, however she is leaning up against our bondage horse so there is no full frontal nudity. Plenty of boob content, full length back shots, ass, legs and face. She starts by using the leather straps to tie around each breast and contort their shape. She does this first with one strap on each boob and then gets both boobs squished into 1 strap. Then the leather straps are used to bind her angles to the legs of the bondage horse and Charley starts to spank her ass and thighs. She has already slapped and spanked her boobs before adopting this pose. A good range of different camera framing, positions and angles covering close up and full length shots too. There is a video that accompanies this scene available for sale separately. Video is HD 1080p 1920 x 1080 resolution. All images are for personal use and not for re-sale or sharing. They contain a watermark in the bottom corner and remain the property and copyright of Erotica-Babes. Images are screen resolution quality.