Fund for the Items I Collect

Spoil Me



Time for a little hobby 'drama'? So, due to these types of items being rare and antiques, I will not specify what I collect. But, I'm sure you'd like to hear at least a few descriptors! I'd consider it a pretty sophisticated thing to collect, but with a slight quirk factor. Feminine, with a dash of personality, CUTE personality, at that! There are these drop-dead gorgeous and just adorable items I collect. You may see some in my videos in the future due to it just being my natural background, so that may give it away ;) A lot of these items feature soft-to-the-touch, silky materials, others great patinas. More rare is the figurine, but it does happen. Some of it has more of a 'bombshell nerd' element to it. There is a certain theme of items I'm fond of. Some of these items I've been attempting to hunt down for 11+ years.