Buy My Used Sex Lube!





Isn't the internet wonderful? Sex lube that I've already used would be something I'd hesitate to put on the vanilla marketplace, but I just know there are men out there who find me hot and would be into that kind of thing, and would LOVE to purchase my sex lube! I'm a fan of sliquid in general, but I have some leftover sea naturals and silk organics that I bulk bought thinking I would love it.. but I did not. This IS still a great lube, but I've moved on to using different offerings from sliquid. Some of these I've used while masturbating, and some I've used during sex, and some both. I haven't been able to keep track of which is which, so the mystery is the appeal here: I hope the thrill of not knowing exactly how and when I used this lube, but to know that I have, have had my hands all over it, it's probably touched my pussy, and I definitely probably have pussy juice alll over these bottles, turns you the fuck on and makes your cock rock fucking hardIf you select "make dirty with my pussy juice" I stuck it in my pussy right before shipping