Debt Contract

Spoil Me



Debt contract available in tiers✨Beginner300€ paid in weekly instalments over agreed amount of time (no longer than 3 months)Includes late fees (lower interest %)Buyout is rest of the unpaid Debt (from 300€)No blackmail✨Intermediate800€ paid in weekly/biweekly instalments over agreed amount of time (no longer than 5 months)Includes late fees (interest rate is over 7%)Can also include 2 surprise payment requests per week (amount not exceeding 40€ total) -⚠️these payments will not be deducted from the total Debt!!!⚠️No blackmailBuyout is rest of the unpaid Debt plus 250€ added to Debt total!!!✨Advanced1500€ paid in weekly/biweekly/monthly instalments over agreed amount of time (no longer than 6 months)Includes late fees (over 10% interest rate)Can also include 4 surprise payment requests biweekly (amount not exceeding 60€ total)-⚠️these payments will not be deducted from the total Debt!!!⚠️Open for blackmailBuyout is rest of the unpaid Debt plus 400€ added to the Debt total!!!⚠️This listing includes scanning process where I will, at the end, determinate if you are serious about serving! If I find you to be fleaky, untrustworthy and deceptive, I will stop out conversation at once and block you!Tributes are welcome to show me how serious you are about Submitting yourself to me!