The Apocalypse


American / 5x MV Award Winner!
●●●●● 5.0 (6 reviews)

In the beginning, we didn't know. We didn't know what we know now. We are The Chosen. Those immune to all of this. I built this place in the attempt to restore some sort of normalcy. The dead roam the Earth and we are just doing what we can to survive. I don't know how you got into our community but now that you're here, you have three options: You can stay and work as a scouter or something... we can find you some sort of manual labor. You can stay and help me with something a little more personal. Or you can leave with the promise that you'll never come back. You can have a hot shower, a hot meal, and a bed for the night then let me know when you decide... Includes: bbw, big tits, big boobs, taboo, virtual sex, intimacy, gas mask, mask fetish, costume, mask fetish, gas mask, zombies, zombie


Holy shit. Holy shiiiiiiiiit oh my god. I was hyped as soon as this one was announced but boi my body wasn't ready. The whole performance really pulls you in, like I had some feelings there for a moment. The acting was so fucking on point, and all of the scenes are set up really well, it flows really well and it's just a really good watch entirely. And I'm not even gonna front, post apocalyptic Taylor is like sooo fucking hot. The blood stains and shit, oh my god. The make up was done soooo fucking well. The bite looked so fucking good. And then the sex scene is incredibly hot. I love Taylor on top so much, and she looked so fucking beautiful holy shit. Tay really outdid herself with this one, absolutely incredible.