Aila Masturbates After Shower

●●●●● 5.0 (2 reviews)

Aila feels fresh and clean after her shower and wants to go to bed! But she can't nap! So she decides to tire herself in a very satisfying way

Ghostdragon Jun 2016

Another great video from Aila. This time the camera never moves (you never see her pretty face, which is probably my only complaint). Instead you are treated to a full-on masturbation session using her fingers and her hairbrush*. She doesn't say much, but you can definitely hear that she's enjoying herself from beginning to end. While I'm partial to her "Alice" video, this one is also superb, and definitely recommend getting both.

*Part of me wants to buy this girl a good toy for any future vids she may make... OTOH, part of me really, really doesn't.