...in Austria-Hungary badly behaved boys don't get twigs for Xmas, instead they get visited by a mysterious lady, a very vile and disgusting lady who doesn't resist her urges to spread her anus, spill her ballsack and ejaculate all over the badly behaved boys belongings! This brings great satisfaction to the mysterious lady and great humiliation to the misbehaving boys :D [P.S. at least in my country naughty boys get twigs for xmas (and not coal) - perfect for humiliating erotic spanking, I say aim for the anus! make the naughty boy stand d-0ggy with slightly spread cheeks and aim right between them! :D so, now it's officially twigs and not coal] Clip highlights: I think this clip has the most ass showing off out of all of my clips with a seductive striptease style tease leading up to it Dialog - loosely based on "intruder fantasy" requests I have gotten (I think we can all agree that Santa is the original creepy intruder so xmas is a great occasion for this :D) Since I always 100% improv the dialog (maybe I shouldn't reveal this :D) I'm actually surprised that the clip has a bit of a feel of progression, like it starts more "innocent" and gradually becomes more and more... anatomical hehe 2 cumshots - I mean if we are going to observe this mysterious sexy lady we want her to orgasm and spill her sperm... a nice big juicy sperm load! And I think we can all agree that 2nd ejaculation soon afterwards is a must!
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