Hi pindick loser. You are here because you recognize that you have a completely worthless, little, tiny, pindick. That little thing is completely useless. It could never satisfy any woman, and I certainly would never let it near Me. Your only use to Me is your money, and you are learning to accept that. You paid double what I would normally charge for this clip just to try to compensate for your shortcomings in the "manhood" area, pun intended LOL! You know that you have to pay Me more to put up with you and your little tiny dicklet. Now listen to Me as I continue to humiliate you and remind you how you must pay double what all the others pay just because your dick is small. You are so lucky that I am allowing you to stroke to Me. I will not let you forget that fact, as I use special effects to remind you that pindicks pay double if they want to stroke.
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