With Dakota Charms! I can't believed you show up for this blind date. Did you expect someone like yourself to be with someone like me? you're a nasty perv expecting sex. I tricked you and transform you into a bug that I will keep in a jar. When you went to the bathroom, I added a magic serum. I see your antennae growing although I can't hear your pleas for help. you will have to do everything I say and your hard shell and multiple legs won't let you escape. If you don't do as I say, my hands could crush your helpless body, or I may go after your friends and family. OTHER KEYWORDS- giantess, shrinking fetish, amazons, femdom, femdom pov, female supremacy, bratgirls, femdom brats, transformation fantasies, transformation fantasy, magic transformation, erotic magic, magic control, verbal humiliation, brunettes #Kink #TransformationFetish #GoddessWorship #FemaleDomination #Humiliation #BratGirls @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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