When Mommy and Daddy went out for a date night, they left their little girl, Sarah, in the care of a babysitter. She was instructed to be a good girl when they left, but in her own words, she "forgot to be good." They returned to find the sitter in tears, as their little girl had been a complete terror all evening! She wouldn't listen to anything she was told, refused to go to bed at bedtime (she should have already been out for an hour when they returned!), and thought it was funny to act out, taunt, and be bratty with the poor girl. Her parents were very embarrassed and apologetic, and tipped the girl an extra 20 for her trouble. While she may not have known how to handle Sarah, her parents certainly do! Lily calls Sarah on the carpet, or to her bedroom as it were, for a serious discussion, the kind Sarah has to have sometimes when she misbehaves. Sitting on the bench at her vanity table, a frustrated Mommy, still wearing her elegant navy blue dress and vintage backseamed pantyhose, gives Sarah a quick lecture and wastes little time placing her across her lap! Sarah is wearing pigtails, and a lovely pair of pink vintage pajamas, the ones she had to be ordered to go get into by her parents because she refused when her sitter asked. Mommy Lily spanks and scolds Sarah sternly, pulling down her pants to spank over her white full bottom panties, and eventually giving the girl the embarrassment she deserves bu pulling them down too, exposing and spanking her bare pink bottom! Sarah doesn't seem to be learning her lesson quite as well as Lily would like, so she decides to also make use of her hairbrush which she keeps at the table for both hairdressing, and occasions such as this. The little brat gets her bottom paddled until she is a very sorry little girl, and promises that she will never treat a babysitter that way again! Lily says she hopes not, because if there is a next time, she will be getting the belt from Daddy as well! The tearful young lady is made to stand in the corner for a bit before being sent to bed with a sore bottom! Filmed in HD. Enjoy this full version, which includes both the wide angle view which shows Sarah's bottom being spanked, and the reaction cam, which focuses on her face and reactions to her discipline! In future, smaller chunks will likely be released for those who don't want both angles.
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