With Dakota Charms! Father! I've been thinking it would be nice to have a Mommy. As Daddy's little girl, I put some gender pills in your breakfast. It transforms you into a woman and you can show me how to do girlie things and talk about Mom things like birds and the bees. You'll get used to having a vagina instead of a penis. Let's look at your shrinking cock turn into a clit and your balls will invert to a pussy. I love your growing hair and big tits. Do you think my boobs will grow? We can talk about this now that you're a Momma instead of a Papa. Oops. I forgot to let you cum before your transformation. Oh well, you're never going to be a man again. OTHER KEYWORDS- feminization, gender transformation, transformation fantasies, transformation fantasy, transformation fetish, magic transformation, erotic magic, magic control, Daddy's Girl, , ,, brunettes #OldAndYoung #Kink #BratGirls #DaddysGirl ##Taboo #ShrinkingFetish @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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