After the mortifying experiences of not being able to 'get it up' in intimate situations, you decide it is finally time to come and see me about your problem. I re-assure you at first and confirm that your erectile problem can be cured with a bit of light hypnotherapy. However, after putting you under, you are left completely powerless and unable to prevent what comes next... You see, I have no intention of curing you. I have no intention of curing any of the men who come and see me. Quite the contrary in fact... I use my hypnotherapy to WORSEN erectile problems and re-program the minds of my patients, turning them into my slaves. I know just how men like you are, you all have an issue but it's not what porn youre watching or your ugly old wife, it's because neither of those things are not me. Here let me help you, mmmm doesn't that feel good! See you need me, I know exactly how to push your buttons and we just met. You are now under my complete control, your dick, body, life, and money all belong to me now. Come back every week and I'll make sure that ED problem of yours doesn't come back! - Dannii
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