Oh don’t you scrub up well. Did you think we was both going out together this evening? Oh, haha. I’m going out but you’re not darling. You will be staying at home this evening whilst I go and enjoy the evening with my new man, my new well endowed fuck buddy. Oh come on, don’t look surprised and definitely down look sad about it. I have to tell you quite brutally but honestly you just don’t cut it anymore. It’s about me now, it’s about satisfying my needs. I need someone very different to you. Taller, stronger, sexy, much much bigger and someone can last fucking me all night long. That’s just how it is now. You either accept this or you leave. If you decide to stay then maybe you could get involved. I mean i’m taking your credit card with me tonight so your paying for our date. I just cant wait to see him and jump on his big, bulging cock. I need to be sexually satisfied now, you haven’t done it for years. There’s been many occasions when you’ve licked my pussy and he’s fucked me earlier in the day. You will never get to fuck me ever again. Maybe one day you will get to see how amazing his cock really is.
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