My annoying room mate has come home and interrupted my reading with her nagging about my smoking. I have been hearing this for way too long and I am sick of it. I slam my long slender hand onto her yappy little hole and lower her to the floor. Using her very own necklace, I pry her mouth open and dig for answers. I want to know why she can't just mind her business and keep her loud mouthed opinions to herself. I let her in on a little secret... harassing me about my smoking, is hazardous to her health. I light up a cigarette and slow the smoke into her gaping mouth. Her coughs are covered by my gorgeous hand and before long, she is drooling and begging to be released. I slap and pull on her wet tongue before getting an idea. I shove my long fingers into her mouth and then wrap her up with her very own work tools! I hope she has learned that if I want someone's opinion, I will pull it out of their mouths by hand.
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