Oh honey! Hi.. are you waiting for me? I told you I was going out on a date tonight. Well, I sat there, and he never showed up. I had a few cocktails and now I just- why are you here? n Obviously my night ended early, so I'm glad you're home. Why are you looking at me like that? Honey no I'm fine. You know I try to go out once in a while and it's usually just a bust. You should go hang out with your friends, you're so sweet. You don't need to wait up for your mommy. Oh baby, I'm never going to find someone like you, am I? Honey! What was that? you just grabbed my boob! We can't- we can't do that.. I mean.. you are the only man in my life, I promise, but mommy needs to go out once in a while. Oh.. baby don't do this to me right now.. well maybe.. just this once..
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