How does it feel to be incapacitated? To not have control over your body parts? It sucks huh? To be laying there, powerless, in the presence of a beautiful woman? You do know that your pathetic little cock is meaningless. You should be thankful that I intend on sitting on it, at least this one time. But first, let me punch it for a while. Ooh, it's swelling up already. Do you even feel that? Here, one more time for good measure. Your balls are getting blue already. Not the kind of blue balls I was planning on. You are just pathetic. The bottom of the food chain so to speak. And yes, I'm the top. Alright, let's get a condom on that little thing so I can milk you. I can barely feel that little pathetic thing inside of me. Your dick is nothing. It's just a tiny fuck toy for me to use. Alright, now that you've produced some cum, guess where that cum is going to end up? Yup, you guessed it. Open wide!
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