Hi honey! Are you watching me do my makeup again? It's ok. I don't mind. You can watch me all you want! Mommy has a little date tonight. I won't be long, I promise. I'm never gone too long. Sometimes Mommy needs to go out too. When you're older, you'll understand honey.. You love watching mommy do make up dont you? You're so cute.. So I'm going to tuck you into bed before I leave, and before you know it, I'll be waking you up in the morning! You won't even know I'm gone! ..Honey, I can't stay home with you all the time. We've gone over this. Mommy needs a life once in a while. You'll understand when you're older honey, I promise. You can stay right here until I'm done! And then I'll read you a bedtime story, you love that. Honey! don't be upset! I promise, you won't even know I'm gone. Oh sweetheart.. what am I going to do with you? Don't be upset.. ..I think I know what might help! I know what my baby likes.. Come here.... That's what I thought. You just love attention from me don't you? You want Mommy's attention 24/7 don't you? That's ok though.. because I want to give you my attention 24/7. Let me make you feel better, ok honey? You make it extremely difficult to leave...
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