With Dakota Charms! Look at these cheap pantyhose. I thought they would look cute but they're stretched out and have a hole. The feet look good and the seam is on my toes, but they're loose on my big ass. My fingers probe the stockings and run, so I rip more. These nylons are cheap and tear easily. I would be embarrassed if that happened in public. The nylon feet are harder to snag than the rest, but I point my toes and watch it shred. My wrinkled soles wiggle and peek beneath the black nylon. It's satisfying to destroy them but still need new hosiery. OTHER KEYWORDS- pantyhose fetish, pantyhose/stockings, clothes destruction, ass fetish, leg fetish, candid, cocktease, calves, brunettes #Scolding #FootFetish #CockTease #Legs #PantyhoseFetish @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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