Arielle Lane brags about her workout and how muscular she's become. Paige Turner doesn't think she's as strong as she claims and bets that Arielle couldn't handle the weight of Paige sitting on her for 8 minutes. They weigh each other on a medical scale and Arielle's nervous at the weight difference but lies on her back as Paige sits on her belly. It's a struggle to keep the pressure on her, and she tries to covertly trick her into lessening the times. Paige slyly mocks her heavier breathing as a sign of weakness. Paige switches position and digs her ass bones deep into Arielle's abs. Arielle continues to smack talk about her powerful muscles. Switching positions, they play a game of cat and mouse game about who will win the bet. When it's over, they admire the red marks from the pressure. Arielle lays on the floor and breathes a sigh of relief when Paige leaves. OTHER KEYWORDS - crush, lapsitting, lap sitting, stomach sitting, muscular woman, strong woman, tall woman, muscle domination, belly fetish, abs, muscle control, workout clothes, challenges, games, strength tests, weighing fetish, struggling, bratgirls, #BratGirls #Squash #TallWomen #HumanFurniture #MuscularWomen This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email TorveaFilms at g m a i l dot com
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