We give Sapphire a set of rubber pussy balls to play with. She starts off in a lingerie set which she manages to keep on for less than a minute before her boobs are out! The rest is off by 01:30 MM:SS and she ready for her pussy balls. She is sitting on the bed with her legs open and starts to play with her pussy. You might notice Sapphire has some bruising on her lower legs which we've tried not to get into the frame too often. She warms up her pussy by pushing her finger into it to get herself ready for the pussy balls, which are quite large in diameter. At 02:45 MM:SS so leans over to the bedside table and picks up the string of 5 black rubber pussy balls. Each one has a smaller ball inside which rattles as it is shaken. This gives a great sound and feeling once it is inside the body. Sapphire starts with the balls between her cleavage and around her face. She sucks at one of the balls. Then it's some lube on her pussy and getting ready for the balls. She pushes the first one into her pussy and then the second. Closely followed by the third. She tugs on the string to bring them back out again. The camera is in low and close so you get a great view of this motion. Again she pushes the balls in and plays and swings the remaining balls whilst the first one remains in her pussy. She then plucks that one out. She repeats the steps again. Pushing the ball into her pussy and playing with the string to rattle the balls. It obviously feels nice as she continues to do this. You can see as she pulls out the last ball her creamy girl cum has built up on the ball. This was shot a while ago so there are a couple of jump in zooms which are a little clumsy by our current standards. However, the overall filming quality is very good. We get in close to see the balls in her pussy and watch full screen as she pulls them out, stretching her pussy lips as she does so. At 08:20 MM:SS Sapphire swaps onto all fours and points her ass towards the camera, she pushes the balls back into her pussy and you get to see her tits hanging down and the balls in her pussy. She goes to pull them out and they exit her pussy pretty sharpish. Sapphire re-inserts the first ball and lets the remaining ones dangle. She shakes and twerks her ass so the balls bounce and jump about, you can hear the rattles bouncing and knocking inside the balls too. She pulls the balls out and rubs the string up and down her pussy. We get the camera in close at this point and you get to see her push in the ball into her pussy again. She has a cute tight little pussy that is very neat looking. She swaps back onto her back and plays with the balls in her pussy some more before pulling them out and dangling them around her big tits. She kisses the bottom ball and we leave her at that point. This was filmed in 1080p in HD.
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