all you want is for senpai to notice you, you notice me don't you. you've been noticing the fuck out of me and all you want is for me to notice you back. God, we could live soooo happily ever after..... Let's be real. I'll never ever want you. You're boring and you suck. Do you even have any friends? Does your stupid little cock work? Oh yeah, only when you get put in your place and told how worthless and stupid you are. you crave me. you work the longest, long hours just hoping to please me enough for a little bit of my attention. and what does it get you almost every time? NOTHING, BITCH. because you need to be working harder for me. you need to be sacrificing more for me. You need to be working longer hours, making more money, spending less on you and more on me... and when i'm done using you? I'll throw you in the trash with the rest of the dirty, naughty worthless trash i'm done using. now buy the clip.
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