"I understood that unto such torment The carnal malefactors were condemned, Who reason subjugate to appetite." I start off with my vibrator on high speed, where it remains at the entire time, as I begin to read Canto V of Dante's Inferno, in which Dante and Virgil enter the second level of hell. This is where the lustful are condemned to live out eternity as they are tossed about in the tempest. My voice strains the more I read. You can hear my want, my need, for release building up. I subconsciously grind into my vibrator. It feels so good, yet I try to maintain focus on the book. Once I finish Canto V, I set the book aside so I can focus solely on my pleasure. Waves of pleasure run through me as I moan and writhe against the vibrator, until my pent up pleasure explodes in an orgasmic tidal wave.
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