And now, lucky you, are going to learn about another way to have SUPER CRAZY loser sex. Fucking your toilet. Obviously you wanna do this when you're REALLY HORNY and you realize that no woman will ever want to have sex with you and your whole life is just you jerking your ugly little dick hoping for any kind of release - even though you really don't deserve it. Which means no release. Just A LOT of loser fucking. Pay close attention to my instructions, fuck along to the video if you're A REAL LOSER and not just some dumb lazy poser - but you guys watch this too. Let's face it, you're even less likely to have sex than the real losers - girls hate laziness. Anyway - I can't wait to virtually watch you pathetically fuck your toilet. You're going to be a toiletsexual because of me. Ha. Ha. Ha.
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