There is nothing worse than an entitled individual who seems to be under the misguided idea that we are windup sex dolls who preform as soon as you stick a quarter in us! We are people, we have lives. Some of you may say "Well, wait a second, we are paying you to do this for us." and to that I say EXACTLY! You are PAYING ME YOUR HEARD EARNED MONEY TO CREATE SOMETHING FOR YOU! I understand the implication of that and I'm not going to give you 10 minutes of garbage for money you had to work for! Of course I am thrilled that you picked me to make you something, but I hold myself to a certain standard. I try to make my slave tasks unique and not some generic bullshit you've heard 50 times before by 50 different providers. I essentially write a script, a different one every time. Then there is filming, stringing together the clips, editing, adjusting sound, possibly adding effects if suitable and rendering. And guess what? Even after all of that, if I don't like the way it turned out, I will scrap it and redo it! Some may say "Oh, but Goddess, I don't care how it turns out it's okay if it's not perfect." NO! DO you know why? Because it has MY name attached to it and I want to hold my brand up to a certain standard! I WILL NOT be associated with something I find subpar. I am new to editting and all of that, I am new to all of it really and honestly, when I improve my ability, some of my current vids will be coming down because I do not think they live up to what I want my products to look like at the end of the day. Sending me a dozen messages within the first few hours of buying is not going to make me work any faster, in fact it is going to turn me off from communicating with you because I don't feel that you are being respectful of me as a person. Not only do I have a standard for my work, I have a life! I have a job. I attend college, studying to be a lawyer. I have a boyfriend who I love very deeply, who happens to work in music, and I manage & promote him. I work out (yoga, running for two hours a DAY!). I volunteer. I have an active social life. I spend time with my family. I am not sitting here all day, waiting for an email to tell me that I have a new order. If I tell you that you'll have it by a certain time and I have to extend that for whatever reason, know that you'll have it by early the next day. If I tell you same day to begin with, know that that is pretty damn fast. So be respectful! Sit back, take a chill pill. And respect your sex worker!
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