I've been living as an adult baby almost 24/7 for almost a month now. It's been great being diapered every day and being taken care of by my boyfriend/Daddy, Jerry. But one morning I wake up to see my best friend Sherry sitting next to Jerry and they are putting me in a diaper! I demand to know what's going on. Jerry tells me that he understands I need the whole diaper thing, but it's just not enough for him. He needs a REAL woman. But he can't ask me to give up diapers, so he's decided to start going out with Sherry. That way I can be a baby forever, and they can just be my Mommy and Daddy from now on! I start to cry. I don't want my Daddy... erm, I mean, boyfriend to be with anyone other than me. He reassures me that this is the best option as Sherry applies powder to my crotch and folds the crinkly diaper over me. I beg them to reconsider, but they tell me this is what I get for wanting to be a baby all of the time. They put a onesie over my head, and big baby bib around my neck. I'll only be wearing baby clothes from now on. I start to cry, so Sherry stuffs a pacifier in my mouth. I'm so upset! I can't believe that my boyfriend and best friend would betray me like this! I get so worked up, that I start to lose control of my bladder, and suddenly I realize that I'm wetting my diaper! Mommy and Daddy tell me that this is why I need to be in diapers. This really is for the best. I'm not a big girl -I'm a baby. From now on I'm going to be diapered all the time. Crying hysterically I realize that they are right. I'm clearly not mature enough to be a woman to my boyfriend. I'm better off living as an adult baby forever. Mommy and Daddy reassure me that I'll be much happier this way, as they make me lay down for a nap in my soaking wet diaper.
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