When I started playing with wand vibrators, I discovered I was a squirter. And I’m not talking a little spew here and there. I’m talking soaking-through-several-layers-of-bedding-shooting-past-the-towel kind of squirter. I’ve been trying to catch this majestic feat on camera, but alas, my pussy has been shy. Which is terrible because my Sir really wants me to be able to squirt on camera on command and send it to him, and I do so much hate to disappoint him. But he is the wisest Sir ever, and he decided that my pussy just needs to get some practice, and it will become less shy. So he set up the camera and gave me my favorite wand, and told me to try to squirt over and over until I am too tired to cum anymore. I tried my hardest, hoping to be a better sub to please my Sir. Even though I only got a little squirt, he still likes watching this video over and over, watching me exhausting myself cumming again and again, while trying desperately to please him. And now you can watch it too… Music By Purple Planet
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