I aim for a record with how many naughty things I can do at once! I start with showing you that I've been training my ass for this with my large purple butt plug. I tease and pull it out slowly showing you my gaping asshole is ready for that cock. It slides right in filling up my pretty little asshole. I grab a very fun toy of mine, a vibrator with 2 bullets that I slide nicely into my dripping pussy. I turn it up and start guzzling my 2 Liter of Coca Cola! It feels so good vibrating inside of me while I fuck my asshole and fill my belly with this yummy, bubbly soda! I burp so loud, deep from my bloated belly. I ride this dick so good all while holding these vibrating bullets inside of me, chugging and chugging this Coke, burping like a master!! Tags: chubby, chubby girl, freckles, alternative, tattoos, piercings, inked, ink, celeste, celesteluna, celeste luna, bush, slut, juicy, big tits, big boobs, kink, kinky, fetish, fantasy, fantasies, busty, emo, goth, custom, cute, smile, long nails, hairy pussy, hairy bush, hairy, full bush, booty, ass, feet, dirty talk, young, natural, all natural, dildo, realistic dildo, wet burps, belching, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, anal, ass, ass play, bouncing tits, bouncing boobs, pussy, cumming, cum, taboo, fetish
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