Today I successfully drained your wallet of everything in it. I came over your house in my cute sports bra and gracefully snatched your whole wallet. My big boobs had you WEAK and you were willing to give it to me. I acquired your money effortlessly. Now I'm home and I'm ready to see how much cash I really took from you today. Counting the cash in front of you. In between each 1,000$ I count up, I remind you how my tits drained your wallet. Do I look beautiful while I count up all MY new cash? It looks way better in my hands, doesn't it? As I'm counting the cash I hit the 5,000$ mark and it really sinks that you no longer have any money left. Then you stare back down at my beautiful tits and realized it was completely worth it. I shove all my new cash into my sports bra when I'm done counting the money. What used to be YOUR money is now in MY bra. Cash makes my tits look even better! At the end I give you a new task to fulfill for me. Work harder everyday, so I can keep coming over your house to drain your wallet with ease.
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