This is a SnapChat tutorial for ***models*** to help grow their business through using SnapChat in a variety of ways. I talk about why you’d want to use and the different ways to fit it into your business style. This is not limited to running a premium SnapChat, although it is the most popular way and I address it. I walk you through the basics of setting up your public account and hold your hand if technology isn’t your thing, including screenshots and screen recording. I show you long-term business strategies to use if you’re pressed for time (read - short-cuts!) as well as quick money-making strategies to meet goals, make cash, find new clients, and stay motivated. At the end, there is a 30 minute Q&A section where I answer a few questions I recently received about staying motivated during dry spells, upselling, and time management. This information is current as of March 2019. After purchasing and watching, please DM me with additional questions to address in future versions and workshops!
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