I play the ultimate queen of evil in this solo roleplaying video who stoops as low as purposely getting pregnant by her friend's husband and ruining their 20 year marriage, and accusing my friend and my husband of cheating when I know they're innocent. I'm so sick of my cheapskate loser husband! He had the nerve to quit law school shortly after we got married to become a teacher! Selfish prick did it without asking me if it was ok, which of course it's not! How the fuck are we supposed to live on a teacher's salary? He had the fucking balls to say I shop too much and should get a job. I'm too good to work and deserve to be treated like the motherfucking princess that I am. All men are good for is money and some dick once in a while and he's not impressive at either. No sex for him until he starts making a lot more money. My neighbor is no male model, but he's rich and that's all that matters to me. He makes around $500K a year as one of the most successful lawyers in our state. His fat pig of a wife doesn't even appreciate him. I'm going to get him to fuck me and knock me up by any means necessary. Even if it means lying to him and concocting some fake "proof" that his fat ugly wife is cheating on him. Even if they stay married, I'll be getting tens of thousands of dollars in support each month and finally living the lifestyle I deserve. Like I'm going to shop like some trailer trash loser
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