Armani is laying in bed and suddenly the blanket seems to be pulled off and she has to sit up in bed completely naked with her arms out. "What the fuck is happening" she says. She starts shaking her head around all creepy and making silly faces. What has gotten a hold of Armani? Could it be that she's possessed by a Demon or even The Sexorcist? "Yes bitch! this is my body now!" says the Demon voice with in. "No! Why are you doing this?" asks Armani Demon: "For being a stupid slut" as the demon starts ravaging Armani in the bed...causing her to touch herself all over...making silly, crazy, scary faces.. sticking her hand down her throat til she gags on it...Laughing in sadistic laugh. The sexorcist is putting Armani body is "supernatural positions" that she has absolutely no control over, Armani is truly Possessed!
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