Amber Mae finds herself in the purview of Foot Patrol Inspector Archer Legend. Amber is wearing sneakers on her way home from the gym and the foot inspector suspects she may be hiding something. Concerned that her feet may not be in their best state, Amber asks if the inspection might be delayed until she can shower. Sensing that her evasive technique is an effort to conceal some greater criminal act, Inspector Legend insists on performing the inspection here and now despite her warning. Archer soon realizes that Amber was being truthful about the foul state of her feet. This girl has an awful case of the stank foot. Though he is nearly brought to tears by the odor, the valiant inspector carries on until his uncontrollable gagging allows him to go no further. Inspector Legend informs young Amber Mae that he must immediately transport her to the nearest nail salon for emergency treatment. Special packaging is required due to the possibility of biohazard contamination. Be sure to check out Stank Foot - Part 2 and learn if Amber Mae’s stank foot is resolved and whether the inspector suffered any lasting olfactory damage.
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