Mom forgot to do my laundry, again! I storm out of my room complaining aloud when I spot you lounging on the sofa. How convenient that I happen to be half naked, and feeling frisky! I lean over to converse with you and you're eyes wander down. Now I know what you want, so I tease you slowly and strip down completely. Let's see how fast I can make you cum before mom and dad get home! Just lie right where you are so I can ride you. I start slow and talk throughout fucking you, as a bratty sister should. I feel you growing harder, but your not allowed to cum before flipping me into my favorite position! Now you have me face-down into the sofa. You watch the pleasure on my face as I'm about to cum. I'm getting so close and so are you. Suddenly, we hear the sound of a key enter the lock at the front door!
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