I'm sitting on an office chair, dressed in black and I'm eager to smoke a strong cigarette! The Russian papirosa cigarettes are perfect for this. They have a unique feature, a cardboard hollow filter, that allows the smoke to hit the lungs without any barrier. The tobacco used for this type of cigarettes is a very strong one, completely pure and unaltered, so a papirosa cigarette is equal, to a whole pack of normal cigarettes! It creates quite an effect when you smoke it, because, due to it's lack of a filter, the smoke is very thick and milky white. I play with it, knowing the potential it has and the effect that creates, by exhaling it through the nose, or slowly letting him out of my mouth. I play with my tits, touching and showing you bit by bit, just to make you impatient and tease you. At some point you'll have no idea what to focus on: the Spectacular Smoke, or my Big Boobs... chose!
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