Naciste poco hombre y así vas a morir, siendo un puto cornudo y o aprendes a aceptarlo y asumirlo o te quedaras solo toda tu puta vida. A tu novia se la follan todos, lo sabes verdad? por eso contigo no quiere follar, por que no eres capaz de satisfacerla, ademas de tenerla pequeña eres precoz, déjala que disfrute puto cornudo y tu meneatela como un mono pajero. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were born a little man and so you are going to die, being a cuckold cuckold and either you learn to accept it and assume it or you will remain alone all your fucking life. Your girlfriend is all fucked, you know that? that's why you do not want to fuck with her, because you are not able to satisfy her, besides having her small you are precocious, let her enjoy cuckold fucking and you shake her like a monkey
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