Join and save yourself a ton of cash! For just $29.99 a month you can get this video plus 2 video updates per WEEK like this one plus bonus videos and picture sets. Get even bigger discounts for signing up for longer. Something you may not know about my lovely Leila is that she is an absolute ninja at acro yoga. Acro yoga is a form of yoga which combines yoga, acrobatics and thai massage. It involves at least one person being lifted by a partner. So when I had her on the beach all covered in neoprene, I got her to teach me a few lifts. I imagined it being really difficult as I had never done it before but she was a great teacher. After a few failed attempts she got me air born and I was flying above her like a glorious rubbery bird ha ha! She teaches me 3 moves in total where she is the base and I am flying. Then our roles are reversed and I am the base. I'm not as good as her but we have so much fun trying and I really hope you enjoy watching it too!
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